Welcome to the website for Encore, a vibrant over-55 community in the neighborhood of Briar Chapel, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Here you’ll find our activities calendar and links to useful information about living in Encore.
This Week at Encore
For details on each event, view the complete calendar at this link and click on the event. To add or correct an event, send details to [email protected].
- February 7 10:30 am Zumba Gold with Beth
Contact Pat Lewis
- February 9 3:00 pm Bocce
Weather permitting. Contact Gary Grebe 919-259-5583
- February 10 10:30 am Women's Golf Group
Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham
- February 10 1:00 pm Mahjong
Contact Jane Hamilton for further information.
- February 10 7:00 pm Euchre
Resident run card game group. To join, contact Dick Terry and RSVP. Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday every month.
- February 11 11:30 am Lunch & Learn: McIntyre's, Pete Mock
Peter tells of his experiences in the book industry. Biscuits provided. Limited seating.
- February 11 4:00 pm Ping Pong
Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: [email protected]
- February 11 6:30 pm Poker
Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider.
- February 12 10:00 am Strength, Tone, and Balance with Patti
Contact Pat Lewis
- February 13 12:00 pm Men's Euchre Thursdays at noon Contact Larry Nicolette
- February 13 2:00 pm Mexican Train
Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole.