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Events in March 2025
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
23February 23●(1 event) |
24February 24●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 7:00 pm: Euchre – Resident run card game group. To join, contact Dick Terry and RSVP. Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday every month. |
25February 25●●(2 events) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: 7:00 pm: Bunco with Wine – Resident run group game that meets 4th Tuesday every month. Sign up to participate with Patty Kirschner |
26February 26
27February 27●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
28February 28
1March 1
2March 2●(1 event) |
3March 3●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 4:00 pm: Canasta Hand & Foot – Resident run card game group. To join, you must contact Ed Richbourg and RSVP. Group meets 1st and 3rd Monday every month. |
4March 4●(1 event) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
5March 5
6March 6●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
7March 7
8March 8
9March 9●(1 event) |
10March 10●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 7:00 pm: Euchre – Resident run card game group. To join, contact Dick Terry and RSVP. Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday every month. |
11March 11●(1 event) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
12March 12
13March 13●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
14March 14
15March 15
16March 16●(1 event) |
17March 17●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 4:00 pm: Canasta Hand & Foot – Resident run card game group. To join, you must contact Ed Richbourg and RSVP. Group meets 1st and 3rd Monday every month. |
18March 18●●(2 events) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
19March 19
20March 20●●(3 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
21March 21
22March 22
23March 23●(1 event) |
24March 24●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 7:00 pm: Euchre – Resident run card game group. To join, contact Dick Terry and RSVP. Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday every month. |
25March 25●●(2 events) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: 7:00 pm: Bunco with Wine – Resident run group game that meets 4th Tuesday every month. Sign up to participate with Patty Kirschner |
26March 26
27March 27●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
28March 28
29March 29
30March 30●(1 event) |
31March 31●●(3 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. |
1April 1●(1 event) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
2April 2
3April 3●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
4April 4
5April 5