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Events in March 2025
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
23February 23●(1 event) |
24February 24●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 7:00 pm: Euchre – Resident run card game group. To join, contact Dick Terry and RSVP. Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday every month. |
25February 25●●(2 events) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: 7:00 pm: Bunco with Wine – Resident run group game that meets 4th Tuesday every month. Sign up to participate with Patty Kirschner |
26February 26●●(2 events) |
27February 27●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
28February 28●●(2 events) 5:00 pm: Singles Mingle – Resident meet up at the clubhouse for food, drinks, and good times. Contact Patty Kirschner. Food, drink, good talk. For more info contact Patty Kirschner: |
1March 1
2March 2●(1 event) |
3March 3●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 4:00 pm: Canasta Hand & Foot – Resident run card game group. To join, you must contact Ed Richbourg and RSVP. Group meets 1st and 3rd Monday every month. |
4March 4●●(2 events) 11:30 am: Lunch & Learn: State Farm – Topics: What to do when you have an auto accident, when you’re at fault & when it is the other driver, new scams and license laws affecting the area, how to save on your premiums, personal liability umbrellas, easy way to leave a legacy for the grandkids, Q&A. Signup here. Presented by local agent Connie Fenner; lunch by Phoenix Bakery; for topics & signup click "read more" 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
5March 5●(1 event) |
6March 6●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
7March 7●(1 event) 5:00 pm: Singles Mingle – Resident meet up at the clubhouse for food, drinks, and good times. Contact Patty Kirschner. Food, drink, good talk. For more info contact Patty Kirschner: |
8March 8
9March 9●(1 event) |
10March 10●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 7:00 pm: Euchre – Resident run card game group. To join, contact Dick Terry and RSVP. Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday every month. |
11March 11●(1 event) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
12March 12●(1 event) |
13March 13●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
14March 14●●(2 events) 9:00 am: PORCH Collection – PORCH is a food collection program for the food bank in Pittsboro. Place non-perishable items to donate on your front porch no later than 9am. Porch collection occurs on 2nd Friday of each month. Volunteers take the donations to the Briar Chapel clubhouse where they are sorted. Also, monetary donations can be given directly to CORA. PORCH | CORA ( Contact: Mary Richbourg Non-perishable food items collected for CORA food bank. Contact Mary Richbourg. 5:00 pm: Singles Mingle – Resident meet up at the clubhouse for food, drinks, and good times. Contact Patty Kirschner. Food, drink, good talk. For more info contact Patty Kirschner: |
15March 15
16March 16●(1 event) |
17March 17●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 4:00 pm: Canasta Hand & Foot – Resident run card game group. To join, you must contact Ed Richbourg and RSVP. Group meets 1st and 3rd Monday every month. |
18March 18●●(2 events) 10:00 am: Book Club – 11/19 A DRESS OF VIOLET TAFFETA BY TESSA ARLON 12/17 THE WIFE, THE MAID AND THE MISTRESS BY ARIEL LAWSON 2025 1/2 THE COLLECTED REGRETS OF CLOVER BY MIKKI BRAMMER 2/18 THE PAPER PALACE BY MIRANDA COWLEY HELLER 3/18 PLAYGROUND- THE WONDERS OF THE OCEANS BY RICHARD POWERS 4/15 THE MARRIAGE PORTRAIT BY MAGGOE O’FARRELL Click "Read More" to see all next books 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
19March 19
20March 20●●(3 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
21March 21●(1 event) 5:00 pm: Singles Mingle – Resident meet up at the clubhouse for food, drinks, and good times. Contact Patty Kirschner. Food, drink, good talk. For more info contact Patty Kirschner: |
22March 22
23March 23●(1 event) |
24March 24●●(4 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. 7:00 pm: Euchre – Resident run card game group. To join, contact Dick Terry and RSVP. Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday every month. |
25March 25●●(3 events) 11:30 am: Lunch & Learn: Estate Planning, Munson Law – To RSVP: Signup here. Attorney Stephanie Faris of the Munson Law Firm. Estate planning in NC, how it protects your family and your legacy -- and when it's important to revisit your prior plans. Limited seating. For signup click "read more." (Almost "SOLD OUT") 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: 7:00 pm: Bunco with Wine – Resident run group game that meets 4th Tuesday every month. Sign up to participate with Patty Kirschner |
26March 26
27March 27●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
28March 28●(1 event) 5:00 pm: Singles Mingle – Resident meet up at the clubhouse for food, drinks, and good times. Contact Patty Kirschner. Food, drink, good talk. For more info contact Patty Kirschner: |
29March 29
30March 30●(1 event) |
31March 31●●(3 events) 10:30 am: Women's Golf Group – Group meets weekly at local courses. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Karen Graham 1:00 pm: Poker – Poker at clubhouse on Mondays from 1:00- 3:30. Contact Gene Schneider. Contact Stan Kahn or Gene Schneider. |
1April 1●(1 event) 4:00 pm: Ping Pong – Group meets Tuesdays at 4pm. Contact Keith Anderson for more info: |
2April 2
3April 3●●(2 events) 2:00 pm: Mexican Train – Dominos game group that meets in the clubhouse weekly. To join or learn more, please contact Jannet Poole Dominos game group. To join or learn more, contact Jannet Poole. |
4April 4●●(2 events) 10:30 am: Zumba with Beth Floyd – Fee: $68
To register: Email Pat Lewis at First come, first served.
Space is limited. Contact Pat Lewis for more info and to register. Click "read more" for details. 5:00 pm: Singles Mingle – Resident meet up at the clubhouse for food, drinks, and good times. Contact Patty Kirschner. Food, drink, good talk. For more info contact Patty Kirschner: |
5April 5●(1 event) 10:00 am: Coffee Social & Coffee Cake – To RSVP click here.
Coffee and "coffee talk" presented by Gray Squirrel Coffee Company. Hear about experiences in the coffee industry. To RSVP click "read more. |