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Topics: What to do when you have an auto accident, when you’re at fault & when it is the other driver, new scams and license laws affecting the area, how to save on your premiums, personal liability umbrellas, easy way to leave a legacy for the grandkids, Q&A. Signup here.
Presented by local agent Connie Fenner; lunch by Phoenix Bakery; for topics & signup click "read more"
PORCH is a food collection program for the food bank in Pittsboro. Place non-perishable items to donate on your front porch no later than 9am. Porch collection occurs on 2nd Friday of each month.
Volunteers take the donations to the Briar Chapel clubhouse where they are sorted. Also, monetary donations can be given directly to CORA.
Attorney Stephanie Faris of the Munson Law Firm. Estate planning in NC, how it protects your family and your legacy -- and when it's important to revisit your prior plans. Limited seating. For signup click "read more." (Almost "SOLD OUT")