Frequently Asked Questions

This page is maintained by Encore volunteers. If you see an answer that needs to be corrected, please contact us!
Click on each question to open the answer.

My Property

Homeowner Responsibilities:

Water your grass, trees and shrubs as needed. In Phase 1, you must water the grass eyebrows beside the driveway—irrigation does not reach them. Please be aware that should these areas die, Briar Chapel will require the homeowner to restore.

A foundation screen of shrubbery is required for all Briar Chapel homes (Encore is subject to both Briar Chapel and Encore rules). If a tree dies, you must replace it.  If you want to remove shrubs or trees, you will need to get approval from Briar Chapel, which is done by submitting a Design Review Request located on the Briar Chapel Life website.

All non-native, invasive species are banned. These are listed in the Briar Chapel Covenants.

David Mirkovich of our Landscape Committee can assist residents with tree change (he has lists of recommended trees with less invasive root systems, for example) and other applications.

Bland’s Responsibilities:

Mulch:  Bland will mulch all yards’ front, sides, and backs every other year.

Lawns:  Bland is responsible for all lawn care Their work is designed to create a harmonious and consistent environment. You will be notified when treatment is scheduled.

Trees:  Bland will appropriately limb-up and trim shade trees in the front and back of all homes and any ornamental trees in yards that are interfering with driveways, sidewalks and clearing height for the riding mowers. Japanese Maples will never be trimmed.

Tags: planting, trees

The Briar Chapel Design Guidelines contain recommendations for trees and shrubs, pages 50-52.